07/13/11 - Puzzles Completed!

Thanks Ms. Doreen for putting us over the top with your donation!! That's 200 dollars the boys raised for the American Cancer Society - WOW!

On the back of each piece is the initials of the person who "sponsored" it - that way whenever we do the puzzle, we'll remember all your generosity!

07/10/11 - Relay for Life Puzzle Fundraiser Update

Well we are certainly blessed and blown away by the generosity this week!!! Thank you so much to Ms. Alison, Uncle Paul, Ms. Judy, Ms. Jan, and Ms. Gloria and Mr. Daniel!!! The boys have raised 178 dollars for the American Cancer Society!!!! And they only have 11 puzzle pieces left each - WOW!!

If you would still like to make a tax deductible donation, please visit our Relay site:

Simply click on Ryan's name on our team web site page - I don't know why John's name didn't come up but I'll divide any donation between the two!!

John and Ryan's Relay for Life Fundraiser!

The boys and I are participating in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life in a few weeks! And the boys have a unique fundraiser!!

They are each trying to complete a hundred piece puzzle
and are asking for a dollar donation per puzzle piece. For example, if a dollar was donated, they would add 1 piece to their puzzle. If five dollars was donated, they would add 5 pieces, and so on and so forth. We are going to keep track of the progress here so please check back regularly!

Would you like to make a donation? If so, visit our Relay Team page:

If you care to make a donation toward the boys' puzzle completion, simply click on Ryan's name on our team web site page - I don't know why John's name didn't come up but I'll divide any donation between the two!!