Here we go again!

The blue crate is back out!!For those of you who followed our adoption of the boys, you might remember the blue crate - it is an alphabetical listing of EVERYTHING we need or receive for the adoption. Well it's back out because last week we were approved to begin an international home study by a new adoption agency, Adoption-Link. So little brother or sister, aged 0-2 years old, here we come!!!!

NEXT STEPS: We'll be assigned a social worker. Then we'll be able to pass that info on the MLJ Adoptions, our international agency, and sign their service agreement.
PRAISE: That we are now able to begin the paperwork process! We are trusting God for His perfect timing and will.
PRAYER: That all would go fairly easy in scheduling times to meet with the social worker (our schedule's not quite as open as before the boys were here!) and please pray, throughout the adoption, for the little boy or girl who the Lord knows but we do not yet. Pray also for their first family.