Conversations with a 6 Year Old

I was - amazingly - able to keep a straight face during these recent conversations with Ryan:

Conversation after the TV was turned off:
Ryan: I LOVE television!
Mommy (thinking this is a teachable moment): Oh, there should be more things you love besides television. (thinking he'll say something like his family, God, playing outside, etc.)
Ryan: (without missing a beat): I do! I love dessert ... I love chocolate and chocolate fudge and brownies ...

Conversation during this morning's kids' devotional:
Mommy (reading from the book, the point of this entry being God loves forever): God loves when you're at school, when your at home, when you're sad and when you're sick, when you're kind, when you're mad, when you're young and when you're old, and even when you disobey.
Ryan: And then what happens?  You die?

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