March Fun Around the House

Silly boys! This is how Scout, my cat of over 10 years, spends (or tries to spend) most of her time:
This is how the boys approach her:
And this is how they gently pet her:

If you know me and my cat you were probably totally surprised by those pictures! To say Scout is a bit of a scared-y cat would be an understatement. It took years for her to come downstairs when people visited! However, she seems to know the boys are here for good and tolerates their attentions.

This picture is after our first day grocery shopping (and I use the term grocery shopping loosely - we went to two stores and only got about half a dozen items at each). John Eyob has a paid for sticker on his forehead. Each boy received one at the store!

Thank you Ms. Doreen for the yummy Pez dispensers - we loved them!

Building with legos and so proud of how tall they are:

Resting on the cough snuggled in the blankets made by our friends Dannah and Aria:

Gives a whole nother meaning to the phrase "coke head":

John Eyob showing off all the chips he threaded on a pipe cleaner:

Our first experience with painting:

And then painting our nails:

Monkey see, monkey do:

Ryan Ephrem loves to get the oven mitts out of the kitchen drawer and wear them. It totally cracks him up:

Playing with toys from Uncle Don:

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