Activity of the Week: Community Helpers Theme

We'll usually do a couple projects a week that coincide with the theme at Ryan's preschool. He's been talking about community helpers, a theme I never taught in preschool, and so I am loving it!

We began by creating a web of community helpers. I brainstormed with the boys, different community helpers and we found pictures of them to print off. I knew this would be a good way to help Ryan prepare for his week at school too. He has several language issues, one of which being he'll know the person being talked about but might not know their title: "this is the person we go to visit twice a year and they clean your teeth and give you a new toothbrush and you get to pick a prize" but not know the word "dentist." Then once the word dentist is introduced to him, he might need several reminders of the word. So we hung the posters on the wall at their eye level.

Then I had an idea to make stand up figures of different community helpers. The boys added faces and clothes and then glued on accessories. (If you're interested in the templates, let me know and I can email them to you!)

Another fun activity was the "Shape Mailbox Delivery" game. I had six different shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval, and diamond) and I taped one of each to the bottom of a cardboard box. Then I cut slits above each shape and I put the rest of the shapes in the "mail bag." Ryan spent lots of time delivery the mail to all the correct slots!

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