Day 3 America World Reunion

We slept in and how cute is it to see these two little faces every morning: Ryan was making his angry face:
And then smiling and cracking himself up:
We of course headed down to the pool:
where the boys love nothing better than to jump into the pool!

On the schedule for the Reunion this day was a water park, but as it was a little pricey and the boys wouldn't be able to do all the slides, we opted out.
Instead, we asked the staff at the hotel for directions to a park and they lead us to this one which had several playgrounds, a walking trail with different exercising stations, picnic tables, and most importantly: a bathroom.
The boys have recently seen Peter Pan and so I was so excited to see the name of this part of the playground. As you can tell by the boys' faces, I was a bit more excited about it then they ...
that is until they found all the Peter Pan related item - the crocodile. And as they played on this climbing wall (inside the crock's mouth) they did make the tick-tock sounds!
Ryan makes music with the "tinker bells." There were also pictures of all the Peter Pan characters, which excited the boys to point out, and a sandbox:
That evening our friends from Texas, the Root family, came to our room for a visit. Their two children from Ethiopia were at the Transition House at the same time as our boys:

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