1/21/10 - Update and HUGE PRAISE

A little after noon today an email arrived from USCIS saying our case had just been completed and we would be receiving a new I-171H form within a few days - PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me back up a day: After receiving no answer from USCIS in response to an email sent by me Tuesday night, Mike called our federal senator and representative as well as local to ask for help. After work, I faxed our Privacy Act Release Forms to both our senator and representative's offices. By 10am this morning there was an email from USCIS stating they had received our requests and specifically wanted to know, in writing (but email form was fine) from both parents (to which I signed both Mike's and my name to the email) what we wanted changed or amended to our original form. I replied we wanted our new fingerprint expiration date and the age increase to 0-6 years old.

I don't know exactly what got things rolling but I know that God's people prayed for us and He moved!! To Him be all glory and honor and praise!

After we receive our form in the mail, we'll phone NVC (National Visa Center) to verify that the information was forwarded to them and then ask our agency to email the Embassy and verify that they have received the information (and on the advice of our Yahoo Group, we ask for written confirmation that the Embassy has the info!).

What a ride!!!!

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