4/20/10 - Home for Two Months

I cannot believe two months have gone by with the boys being here (and really longer than that because I'm not getting this post done until May!) At times it seems like they have always been here and the process of getting them here seems so far away!

They are doing so beyond what I had imagined and even more than I had prayed for.

Shortly before leaving for Ethiopia and after lots of reading of all the adjustment and attachment issues and challenges that could be before us, a thought ran across my heart, "Wow, Lord, wouldn't it be great if there weren't any issues!" Of course, I knew this couldn't possibly be the case - a 3 and 4 year old moving half way around the world to live somewhere they have never seen with people they have never met except in pictures and experience new sights, sounds, and smells. Not to mention a 38 year old and 52 year old first time Mom and Dad. Now way!

How God must have snickered as He heard my prayer!! The boys have been attached to us since our first game of chase in Ethiopia. There is no question that we are Mommy-a and Ababa to them and they are our sons, children born in our hearts. And adjustment issues, what adjustment? Except for the first few days, there have been no major issues. They are happy and healthy. Thank you Lord - I could not ask for more!

And there are little changes: John Eyob will refer more often to himself as John and his brother as Ryan. Yes, these are the American names we chose for them, but I don't know how I feel about him not including the name Eyob as often! And Mike is often called "Daddy" instead of Ababa while "Mom" has just started being said instead of Mommy-a. We see lots more "cars" and not mack-e-naws. I don't know how I feel about that! And I don't even like to think about the day their accent begins to fade!!

So as they change and grow and develop and learn, I am thankful for a God who does not change and is the same today, tomorrow, and forever, and I am blessed beyond measure by the plans He has for me!

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