Catch Up Time

Some much to share - so little time to actually tell all about it!

We had an authentic Ethiopian meal last week, beef stew in spicy berbere sauce and injera, although I didn't add as much spice as the recipe called for. And thanks to my friend Alison, we had teff flour to make the injera! John Eyob was so excited that I was making injera for supper. He wanted to be picked up to see it and as I held him, he gave me a big kiss on the cheek. While the injera didn't quite look like what we ate in Ethiopia, the boys both liked it.
John Eyob was all about making the funny faces as I tried to take his picture!
He ripped a piece of the injera right off and used it to pick his meat up with.

Ryan Ephrem just wanted to pick the meat out and eat it!

Beef Stew in Spicy Berbere Sauce on Injera:

The next pictures are from one of our first times playing outside:
Ryan Ephrem trying to jump rope:

Riding the glider on the castle in the back yard:

John Eyob helping to get the leaves out of the flower beds. he was actually a really great help!

Little Brother wants to help too.

Sunny Days! (John Eyob said to me at breakfast this week, "Mommy-a, America cold!")
Helping Ababa put the baseball toy from our Bible study small group guys together:

Helping adjust the bike seat on their new bikes, gifts from Nana and Uncle Joe and Aunt Nancy.

Both boys smiling at the same time and at the camera and wearing their (I think) adorable matching Super Grover shirts! This has been the only time I have been able to talk John Eyob into wearing it.

Sleepy boy!

The boys discovered this scarf I made when i was a little girl (anyone remember the Knitting Jenny!). They have taken to tying it around their heads!

Another of the latest things they find hilarious is to put our pants on. John Eyob is dancing in Daddy's jeans while Ryan Ephrem is wearing Mommy's (and no I'm not that big, he is just that small!)


KLT said...

Oh, these all make me smile! What handsome boys you have...I am loving continuing to follow your family's story!!!

Doug and Danielle said...

Amy it looks like everyone is settling in! We continue to pray for your family. Also I would love your injera recipe, mine never turns out!

Unknown said...

Hi Amy and Mike!
I saw your articles in the papers about your adoption and wanted to welcome you to the world for Adoptive parents! I run an adoption support group in town and would like to invite you to our next Adoption Support Group meeting. We meet even numbered months...last Tues. night at 7 pm. This Tues. we meet at our house--so you can bring the boys if you like to play with the other kids. We usually don't bring kids but we meet at a restaurant. Get tips from other parents like you...have your boys meet other adopted kids like them! Call me if you have any questions! see my website for info--