You can ask God for a baby?

If you know our oldest John, you know he LOVES babies! He points them out whenever we see one: at church, running errands, at a fun event. He talks about the baby he is going to have one day (his name will be John by the way) and how he will love the baby and take care of it and where the baby will sit in the car he is driving. At the store he points out the different baby equipment he will need for his baby.

For a while he was going up to people and touching their babies but we taught him he needs to say, My name is John, can I see your baby, " or "Your baby is so cute!" And I'm happy to report, he no longer touches babies he doesn't know! And he has informed me that if we ever have a baby in this house, he'd be able to touch it and kiss it because it would be our baby!!

If you know our son, you'll also know he is full of energy and life. But around babies, he knows he needs to be gentle. He moves slowly and uses a quiet voice. It is awesome to watch his heart and his love.

The other morning at breakfast, John asked if I was ever going to have a baby. I told him I didn't know. His answer, was that I could ask God for a baby. My instant and joy filled response was that I did ask God for a baby, and He gave me you and your brother!!

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