Fun Around the House

We recently presented at an America World seminar. The boys chose their own clothes and were so cute, I had to take pictures of them!
Licking the beaters!

Our own make shift outside sensory table filled with water:
The boys LOVE their new flip flops (thanks to Sean, Olivia, and Nancy for the gift that allowed us to purchase them).
The boys first Sammies lunch, our favorite local burger place (thanks Cog and Harry for the gift that allowed us to indulge in this yummy treat!). Ryan enjoys a hot dog:
While John bites into a cheeseburger:
Lounging around the house:
Still having fun with our bog box:
John has drawn and colored in a mail truck!
We had a sunny day and decided to wash winter off our cars. The boys had so much fun:

Outside with accessories for the castle:
John and his "mack-e-naw."
Every once in a while, I'll hear from somewhere in the house, "Mommy-a, where's John?" And then I go looking for him!
Here I am!
And of course little brother has to do the same thing:

Watching cars out the window:
I am too cute!
Another Ethiopian meal, doro wat which is chicken stew:

They were trying to make themselves look like Daddy:


Doug and Danielle said...

They are so cute! I love looking at their pictures! God is so Good!

Kristi and Dale said...

Olivia and Sophia recognize your boys too! They called each by name!! They are precious boys and you are blessed. I agree that life is exhausting and messy now with two more kids. Big blessings come with big sacrifice!