A Mom's Encouragement

Mike, who has never been allergic to anything and has worked in the chemical field for 30 years and been tested for allergic reactions, broke out in hives last weekend - an allergic reaction to an antibiotic he was taking to get rid of an infection from a bug bite. He drove himself to the emergency room, waited three, itchy hours for a doctor to see him, then bought some Benadryl before driving home to locate the 24 hour Osco Drug and drive there to get a prescription filled.

And what was my first thought as he left for the hospital and I began giving the boys a bath and putting them to bed? Not I hope it's a quick wait or I hope the itching isn't too bad, but Oh, I have to do bath and bedtime by myself again. With a husband who works third shift, I do breakfast and getting dressed every morning by myself after getting up before the boys wake up (if I'm lucky) to do a quiet time and take my own shower. On the 5-6 nights a week Mike works, he goes back to bed after dinner (and doing the dishes which is much appreciated!) and I am left to do bath time and bedtime on my own. Please know I am not complaining, I knew this is how life would be before we even left to go get the boys. But as I, exhausted from a great day of being Mommy, put the boys in the tub, I almost started to cry. I said to the boys, I need to call Gramma, sometimes a Mommy-a wants her Mommy-a!

I told my Mom how selfish I felt that my first thought was for myself. She told me while I can't change a lot of circumstances in our lives, like Mike's third shift job, I can stop feeling guilty about wishing I had more help or time to myself. Then I admitted I feel guilty desiring time without the boys because I thought it made me look ungrateful that they are here, which is the further thing from the truth! Another thing my Mom said I could change - do not feel guilty because I need some me time. Every Mom does and that does not mean they are not grateful for their children!

It was a good talk with my Mom. And the boys seemed to know I needed it because they played so well in the tub! Yeah for my Mommy-a!!

1 comment:

Cheryl A. said...

Amy, It is so normal to want some me time. I still want/need it every now and then. It is the only way for you to de-stress and keep your sanity.